Did you spot the
- In the very
first Bigshot cartoon The Chocolate Cigar,
there is a small frog in the forth panel.
- Peering through
the window in the third panel of The Prima
Donna you may be able to see the head of a monkey.
- The
Hack has a moose in the panel 2 which reappears later in The
- Outside the
window in the third panel of The Trap Door
are three Dali-esque goldfish.
- The
Amazon Queen has a cheeky spider monkey head behind the desk in
panel two.
- Aside from the
seagulls and starfish in every panel, The
Beach features a dolphin breaching in panel three and the first
appearance of Cuban president Fidel Castro.
- Look carefully
at panel two in The Galaxy Studios Deal
and you may see an owl waiting patiently at the table in panel two
just under Bigshot's ear.
- The
Sacula 9 Machine has a little rat in panel 3.
- A dog is clearly
visible in The Test Screening.
- The
Hush Money has no visible animals.
- The
Hot Tub has a rubber duck in panel two.
- On the computer
screen, images of dogs can be seen in The
- The crowd of
The Compassionate Socialist features all
the characters from the previous strips including Fidel Castro plus
a self-portrait of the artist!
- There is an
award with an elephant on the shelf in panel three of The
Working incentive. Notice also the extremely clever reference
to the Hitchcock movie "Rope" on the poster. This movie
is known for having been shot with "no editing" required.
- The
Paris Trip has a French Poodle on the crosswalk in the final panel.
- Look carefully
and you will see a giraffe on the poster in panel two of The
Chief of Production.
- The
Comic Relief has no animals.
- Neither does
Cost-Cutting Measure.
- The
Tuna Salad Recipe features the first appearance of Ernesto's pet
- The second appearance
of the pet rat plus a cat in the first panel of The
Director's Cook.
- The cat and
the rat again in The Kitchen.
- The
Open Door has a cat that can be seen appearing through the window
in the last panel.
- A small bug
is on the floor in the third panel of The
Fidel Castro Story . Note the poster of Cuban guerilla leader
Che Guevara in the first panel substituted by Fidel Castro in the
- A white rabbit
by the fir three in panel three of The Ski
- The
Big Apple has a New York rat in panel three. Note the world trade
center towers still standing.
- The
Creator has no animals!
- The rat again
in The
- The
New Carole Lombard features yet more rat.
- There is a dog
in the movie poster with Chloe in The First
Big Break. Also in the background, Fidel Castro, the The
Amazon Queen plus The Compassionate Socialist.
- The
Producer Credit has the movie poster with Chloe and the dog is
on the wall of Ernesto's office.
- The
Moose has a moose.
- A mouse has
made his home in the first panel of The Usual
Rate plus that movie poster again.
- The
Screen Credit features that stupid movie poster yet again.
- There is a picture
of a cat on the wall of the restaurant in The
Old Table.
- The
Mannix Preview has a cat, a dog and the movie poster.
- The
Change has no animals!
- The
Last Drink has a rabbit, a cat, a lobster, a rat and a happy bee.
- There is a very
tall giraffe amongst the New York skyline of The
Actors Strike plus a poster of meerkats in the office.
- A dolphin, one
leaping fish and a dog on water skis adorn The
Star Director
- There's some
kind of lemur peering from behind the curtain in panel 2 of The
Trial . Note the Cuban national coat of arms on the witness stand.
- The movie poster
dog makes an appearance in the first panel of The
- Two different
cats appear outside he bar plus a cassowary is walking by the bar's
round window in panel two of The Gold Rush.
- An aardvark
is licking ants in the gymnasium of The Counteroffer.
- The
Rough Cut has a toucan is perched outside the Tiki bar.
- Panel two of
The Mutilated Script features an anteater
with it's newborn baby riding on it's back just like the ones at the
San Francisco zoo.
- There's a cat
doodle on the back of the notes on the clipboard of The
Charitable Contribution.
- Someone invited
an elephant to the garden party of The Favor
. Fidel Castro also got an invite.
- A camel seems
to have wandered onto the golf course in The
- The editing
software seen in the first and last panels of The
Marketing Study has
images of squirrels.
- Atop the Capitol
Building is a chicken and down below by the west wing of The
Government Approval is an emu.
- In The
Teenage Psycho the poster of Chloe and the dog is brazenly displayed
outside the "Chief of Production" office carefully regarded
by the dog star himself. The office and the shelves feature a crocodile
award, a magic eightball, a collection of S.J. Perelman short stories
and a rabbit in a hat trophy. The Chief of Production also has a custom-made
Ernesto telephone.
- The
Corrupt Hack has a squirrel chasing a kitten down the mountain
and a bear in the guru's cave.
- The kitten and
squirrel continue their face-off in The Head-Butt
and in the last panel a kangaroo prop and a stuffed bear can be seen
in the dim background lighting.
- The
Defiant Independent not surprisingly continues with the hidden
animal theme (what can it mean?). The three posters in the background
feature (1) A squirrel (2) The movie poster dog and a rabbit, and
(3) The movie poster dog and a cute kitten. Awwww.
- In The
Spy Thriller, the fashion show is atended by (amongst others)
Fidel and Che, a squirrel monkey and a jack rabbit.